• Catalog Auction info

    Regular Monthly Tack Sale (#130)
    06/18/2021 12:00 PM MDT - 06/24/2021 4:44 PM MDT
    Starts Ending 06/24/2021 12:04 PM MDT

    Lot #741New 60" Training Whip with 10" Lash & Cattle Wrap - green

    Click image to enlarge
    Lot closed - Winning bid:12.50
    (7 bids)

    Regular Monthly Tack Sale (#130)
    06/18/2021 12:00 PM MDT - 06/24/2021 4:44 PM MDT
    Starts Ending 06/24/2021 12:04 PM MDT

    • New 60" Training Whip with 10" Lash & Cattle Wrap - green